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Car rental process

Car rental process of 360 car rental Please contact car rental in the following ways:


Go to the company's office at 259D Dien Bien Phu Ward 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City for detailed service consultation< /span>


Send car rental request information to Email: infothuexe360@gmail.com swill have a reflection reply from the company afterwards


Book a car rental appointment at website: https://thuexe360.com, staff will notify service or contact directly come


Hotline: 0788.360.360 




360 Car Rental

Address TP. Ho Chi Minh: 259 VND. Dien Bien Phu, Ward 7, District 3, HCMC

Address Hanoi: 44 Ly Thuong Kiet Ward, Quang Trung Ward, Ha Dong, Hanoi

Hotline: 0788 360 360

Email: infothuexe360@gmail.com


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